Sudoku Puzzle Solver

This was a sudoku puzzle solver that I somehow managed to code for ICS 211. I thought it was pretty brilliant that I could’ve made something like this at the time. This was also one of the bigger introductions to recursion and I thought it was one of the coolest things ever. It was like that even though I found that it took 45 minutes to solve harder sudoku puzzles, but at least it brought about a guranteed solution.

This was one of those milestones I experienced and thought “Yes, I definitely want to do more programming.” Because if solutions like sudoku puzzles were solveable, then imagine what other things I could do. The thought came about that there was more to this and that there was more bigger fish to fry. That made me more enthusiastic. It hindsight, this project might not be something special, but the fact that I could just run this program and walk away and do something (like take a 45 minute bathroom break or something of the like) after inputting what the sudoku puzzle holds, and then receive a possible solution to the puzzle feels great when you made the actual program to do that yourself.

Here’s a link to the project if you wish to view it.